Kristín Guðbrandsdóttir

book artist

netfang | email: kristin.gudbrands[at]
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Kristín útskrifaðist með MA í Art and the Book / bóklist frá Corcoran College of Art and Design í Washington DC. Hún er einnig menntaður kennari frá KHÍ. Kristín hefur tekið þátt í samsýningum á bókverkum í Bandaríkjunum. Verk hennar er m.a. að finna í safnakosti Library of Congress og háskóla víðs vegar um Bandaríkin, þar á meðal Duke, Carnegie-Mellon, University of Miami og George Mason auk Alberta háskólans í Kanada og einkasafna. Þau má einnig sjá í bókinni 500 Handmade Books – Volume 2, frá Lark-bókaútgáfunni. Kristín býr í Belgíu.

Kristín earned a MA degree in Art and the Book at Corcoran College of Art and Design in Washington DC. She also has a teacher’s education from the Iceland University of Education. She has taken part in joint book art exhibitions in USA. Her works can be found in the collection of the Library of Congress and in various American universities, such as Duke, Carngie-Mellon, the University of Miami and George Mason, as well as the University of Alberta in Canada and numerous private collections. They can also be seen in the book 500 Handmade Books – Volume 2, published by Lark. Kristín lives in Belgium.